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February 6, 2023
Caryn Stone
I never knew what I wanted to do in my life, I finished High school, went to NAIT while working part time,and after a while figured it was not for me and moved on to full time work with a real estate training company. Things were great, I was an office manager, newly married and I found myself fascinated with real estate. The realtors I worked for were amazing and willing to train me as an assistant until I took the real estate course.
Shortly after agreeing to work towards my real estate goals, I got stuck at a crossroads. My husband and I found out we were going to have a hard journey ahead if we wanted children and I would need a job with good benefits in order to help us get the family we always wanted. I left my job for a position in a big corporation in human resources.
I started my infertility journey in 2006, My husband and I spent countless days driving from Edmonton to Calgary’s Infertility Clinic for tests and procedures and after every test feeling hopeful. After so many tests and procedures the hopefulness quickly turned to sadness and helplessness. My husband and I wanted a family bad enough that I had left a job I loved. In 2009 we tried IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), I was so hopeful and then the testing day came and it was negative. 6 months later in 2010 we tried again, unfortunately we had to go through the whole procedure again as I had no viable eggs left from the first round. This second and last try our doctor recommended implanting 3 embryos in the hope that at least one would take.
The scariest day for me was the day we went for the ultrasound to see if our IVF treatment worked. I remember driving to the appointment and my mom calling us and telling us that if all three are there she's paying for a nanny to help. I just remember the laughter and then hanging up the phone and almost bursting into tears because I couldn’t handle any more bad news.
The time came, and I had my ultrasound and there were two precious heart beats. It was one of the best days of our lives. From here we were able to expand our family to include 4 children and I was lucky enough to stay home with them while they were at their youngest ages. As the kids got older I reached out to an old friend and one of my old bosses in real estate, to chat about my passion and wanting to go back to real estate. It didn’t take me long to register for the course and next thing I knew I passed the test and was off to find the brokerage I wanted to work with.
I am so thankful for the journey I went through, I knew family came first for me and once we had that I was able to follow my passion with more confidence. Going through the struggles of infertility is hard and if you are lucky enough to have it work for you, you hold your babies a little closer to you. Now I’m able to help other growing families find a home that suits their unique needs and allows them to put their families future first as well.